1acquistoangelo.gif 1agrotom.gif 1aguecialberto.gif 1aiellojoe.gif 1aleojoe.gif 1alessisam.gif 1anastasiaalbert.gif 1aquinofrank.gif 1aquinofred.gif 1barberajohn.gif 1barberajoseph.gif 1battagliarichard.gif 1bazzanojohn.gif 1billiterialbert.gif 1bonannojoseph.gif 1bonaseracharles.gif Cassandro Bonasera 1bonitosalvatore.gif 1briandipaul.gif 1bufalinorosario.gif 1cacicharles.gif 1cacijimmy.gif 1calabresepascal.gif 1calleasalvatore.gif 1calleavincenzo.gif John Cammilleri 1cannarozzosteve.gif 1capodicasogaetano.gif 1caponeal.gif 1carlisiroy.gif 1carusofrank.gif 1cascioferrovito.gif 1castellaniwillie.gif 1catanzarojohn.gif 1cavallarocharlie.gif 1cinosteve.gif 1clarkminnie.gif 1collinopatsy.gif 1colombojoe.gif 1coppolasalvatore.gif 1costellofrank.gif 1croceveraisidoro.gif 1dagostinodominick.gif 1dandreaanthony.gif 1dangelofrank.gif 1degorisfrank.gif 1delmontjames.gif 1delucaarthur.gif 1denirovince.gif 1dibenedettojoe.gif 1dicarlogiuseppe.gif 1dicarlojoe.gif 1dicarlosam.gif 1dolcesam.gif 1ebolitommy.gif 1falzoneleonard.gif 1finajohn.gif Joseph Fino 1finonick.gif 1fontanabartolomeo.gif Sam Frangiamore 1franzesejohn.gif 1galantecarmine.gif 1gallellipeter.gif 1gambinocarlo.gif 1gascoynethomas2.gif 1gattijoe.gif 1genovesefrank.gif 1genovesevito.gif 1gentilenick.gif 1giancanasam.gif 1gilmoremay.gif 1guarnierianthony.gif Thomas Hunt 1iracianthony.gif 1jonesbuck.gif 1kansasrocky.gif 1labarberajoe.gif 1lachuisabilly.gif 1laducajames.gif 1lagattutasam.gif 1licavolijames.gif 1lombardoantonio.gif 1lonardoangelo.gif 1lonardojoe.gif 1longonick.gif 1lotempiofrank.gif 1lotempiorussell.gif 1lovullosam.gif 1lucchesetommy.gif 1lucianocharlie.gif 1lupoignazio.gif 1lupolorenzo.gif 1macciotony.gif Antonino Magaddino 1magaddinopetera.gif Stefano Magaddino 1maglioccogiuseppe2.gif 1mancusorussell.gif 1manganovincent.gif 1massaroangelo.gif 1masseriajoe.gif 1mauronick.gif 1maurovincent.gif 1mazzarafilippo.gif 1micelitom.gif 1milanofrank.gif 1mirandamike.gif 1monasterosam.gif 1montanacharles.gif 1montanajohn.gif 1morellogiuseppe.gif 1morettiwillie.gif 1mulejoe.gif 1naplesjoey.gif 1naplessandy.gif 1natarellipasquale.gif 1oddojohn.gif 1palamaramike.gif 1palestineanthony.gif Angelo Palmeri 1palmeripaul.gif 1palmisanotony.gif 1panepintoalfred.gif 1papaliajohnny.gif 1patittucciojoe.gif 1pernaanthony.gif 1perrirocco.gif 1petrojulius.gif 1pierijoe.gif 1pierijohnrai.gif 1pierisam.gif 1pinnavaiasam.gif 1politanopat.gif 1polizziangelo.gif 1porrelloangelo.gif 1porrellojoe.gif 1porrellojohn.gif 1porrelloottavio.gif 1porrelloraymond.gif 1porrellorosario.gif 1porrellovincentjames.gif 1privatieranthony.gif 1profacijoe2.gif 1quattronejoseph.gif 1randacciofrederico.gif 1randacciovictor.gif 1rangatoresam.gif 1ritchieal.gif 1rizzosalvatore.gif 1romanoanthony.gif 1romanocalogero.gif 1ruffinojoe.gif 1russomichael.gif 1saccojohn.gif 1salernotony.gif 1sansanesedan.gif 1santangelovincent.gif 1scilliaed.gif 1sciolinobilly.gif 1scrovincent.gif 1seriannijoe.gif 1siragusagiuseppe.gif 1strollotony.gif 1todarosam.gif Michael A. Tona 1torriojohnny.gif 1trainajoe.gif 1tronolonejohn.gif 1tropeaorazio.gif 1ulizzifrank.gif 1valachijoe.gif 1valenticostenza.gif 1valentifrank.gif 1variscosamuel.gif 1vasallojohn.gif 1vizzijoe.gif 1volpejohnny.gif 1volpesanto.gif
 1acquistoangelo.gif 1agrotom.gif 1aguecialberto.gif 1aiellojoe.gif 1aleojoe.gif 1alessisam.gif 1anastasiaalbert.gif 1aquinofrank.gif 1aquinofred.gif 1barberajohn.gif 1barberajoseph.gif 1battagliarichard.gif 1bazzanojohn.gif 1billiterialbert.gif 1bonannojoseph.gif 1bonaseracharles.gif Cassandro Bonasera 1bonitosalvatore.gif 1briandipaul.gif 1bufalinorosario.gif 1cacicharles.gif 1cacijimmy.gif 1calabresepascal.gif 1calleasalvatore.gif 1calleavincenzo.gif John Cammilleri 1cannarozzosteve.gif 1capodicasogaetano.gif 1caponeal.gif 1carlisiroy.gif 1carusofrank.gif 1cascioferrovito.gif 1castellaniwillie.gif 1catanzarojohn.gif 1cavallarocharlie.gif 1cinosteve.gif 1clarkminnie.gif 1collinopatsy.gif 1colombojoe.gif 1coppolasalvatore.gif 1costellofrank.gif 1croceveraisidoro.gif 1dagostinodominick.gif 1dandreaanthony.gif 1dangelofrank.gif 1degorisfrank.gif 1delmontjames.gif 1delucaarthur.gif 1denirovince.gif 1dibenedettojoe.gif 1dicarlogiuseppe.gif 1dicarlojoe.gif 1dicarlosam.gif 1dolcesam.gif 1ebolitommy.gif 1falzoneleonard.gif 1finajohn.gif Joseph Fino 1finonick.gif 1fontanabartolomeo.gif Sam Frangiamore 1franzesejohn.gif 1galantecarmine.gif 1gallellipeter.gif 1gambinocarlo.gif 1gascoynethomas2.gif 1gattijoe.gif 1genovesefrank.gif 1genovesevito.gif 1gentilenick.gif 1giancanasam.gif 1gilmoremay.gif 1guarnierianthony.gif Thomas Hunt 1iracianthony.gif 1jonesbuck.gif 1kansasrocky.gif 1labarberajoe.gif 1lachuisabilly.gif 1laducajames.gif 1lagattutasam.gif 1licavolijames.gif 1lombardoantonio.gif 1lonardoangelo.gif 1lonardojoe.gif 1longonick.gif 1lotempiofrank.gif 1lotempiorussell.gif 1lovullosam.gif 1lucchesetommy.gif 1lucianocharlie.gif 1lupoignazio.gif 1lupolorenzo.gif 1macciotony.gif Antonino Magaddino 1magaddinopetera.gif Stefano Magaddino 1maglioccogiuseppe2.gif 1mancusorussell.gif 1manganovincent.gif 1massaroangelo.gif 1masseriajoe.gif 1mauronick.gif 1maurovincent.gif 1mazzarafilippo.gif 1micelitom.gif 1milanofrank.gif 1mirandamike.gif 1monasterosam.gif 1montanacharles.gif 1montanajohn.gif 1morellogiuseppe.gif 1morettiwillie.gif 1mulejoe.gif 1naplesjoey.gif 1naplessandy.gif 1natarellipasquale.gif 1oddojohn.gif 1palamaramike.gif 1palestineanthony.gif Angelo Palmeri 1palmeripaul.gif 1palmisanotony.gif 1panepintoalfred.gif 1papaliajohnny.gif 1patittucciojoe.gif 1pernaanthony.gif 1perrirocco.gif 1petrojulius.gif 1pierijoe.gif 1pierijohnrai.gif 1pierisam.gif 1pinnavaiasam.gif 1politanopat.gif 1polizziangelo.gif 1porrelloangelo.gif 1porrellojoe.gif 1porrellojohn.gif 1porrelloottavio.gif 1porrelloraymond.gif 1porrellorosario.gif 1porrellovincentjames.gif 1privatieranthony.gif 1profacijoe2.gif 1quattronejoseph.gif 1randacciofrederico.gif 1randacciovictor.gif 1rangatoresam.gif 1ritchieal.gif 1rizzosalvatore.gif 1romanoanthony.gif 1romanocalogero.gif 1ruffinojoe.gif 1russomichael.gif 1saccojohn.gif 1salernotony.gif 1sansanesedan.gif 1santangelovincent.gif 1scilliaed.gif 1sciolinobilly.gif 1scrovincent.gif 1seriannijoe.gif 1siragusagiuseppe.gif 1strollotony.gif 1todarosam.gif Michael A. Tona 1torriojohnny.gif 1trainajoe.gif 1tronolonejohn.gif 1tropeaorazio.gif 1ulizzifrank.gif 1valachijoe.gif 1valenticostenza.gif 1valentifrank.gif 1variscosamuel.gif 1vasallojohn.gif 1vizzijoe.gif 1volpejohnny.gif 1volpesanto.gif

John Montana (July 1, 1893, - March 18, 1964)

John Montana was born July 1, 1893, in Montedoro, Sicily, one of 13 children born to Calogero and Rosa Valente Montana. He arrived in the U.S. in 1907 aboard the S.S. Perugia. He was naturalized a citizen in 1921.

Montana began his business career at an early age. While still in grammar school, he worked as a delivery boy for a west side candy store. He founded the Buffalo Taxi Service - beginning with a single vehicle - before the age of 20. His taxi business grew considerably over the years. In 1922, he purchased the Yellow Cab Company, and seven years later merged into the Van Dyke Taxi and Transfer Company. The resulting firm was the largest taxi company in western New York.

Montana also served as president of the Frontier Liquor Corporation and as an officer of the Empire State Brewery in Olean, New York. In addition, he owned Montana Motors, a Buffalo car dealership.

Politics was another of Montana's interests, and he was a respected Republican leader in the city. Beginning in 1927, he served two terms as a city councilman representing the Niagara District of Buffalo's west side. He was an unsuccessful candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives.

Montana found considerable success in a more secret interest. In the early 1930s, Montana became the Buffalo-based underboss of western New York's regional crime boss Stefano Magaddino. He accompanied Magaddino to a May 1931 conference of Mafiosi hosted by Al Capone in Chicago.

Two marriages caused Montana and Magaddino to become related.  Montana's nephew, Charles Montana, married Magaddino's daughter. Montana's niece, Frances, married Magaddino's son.

Buffalo Evening News,
Aug. 13, 1940
In 1956, the Erie Club, a fraternal organization of Buffalo police officers, voted him the city's "Man of the Year" for his business achievements and civic contributions. The designation became a source of local embarrassment the following year, when Montana was found to be part of the western Buffalo-area delegation to an underworld convention at Apalachin, New York.

Scores of Mafiosi from around the country were rounded up, identified and questioned after New York State Troopers and Treasury Department agents crashed the party at Joseph Barbara's Apalachin home on Nov. 14, 1957. Troopers apprehended Montana as he attempted to flee the Barbara estate through a hilly wooded area. When police reached him, he was tangled in a barbed-wire fence.

During later questioning, Montana offered a feeble explanation for his presence among the gangsters at Apalachin. He was on his way to business meetings in Pennsylvania and New York City, he said, and car trouble near Apalachin forced him to seek assistance at the home of old friend Joseph Barbara.

Buffalo Courier Express, June 16, 1960
In 1959, Montana was one of 20 Apalachin attendees charged with conspiring to obstruct justice by refusing to testify truthfully about the gathering. He was convicted and sentenced to four years in prison and a $10,000 fine. The conviction was later reversed, but Montana's reputation suffered irreparable damage.

Senate subcommittee hearings into organized crime in 1960 linked Montana with Joseph DiCarlo.

Montana's role as Magaddino's underboss was publicly exposed during Joseph Valachi's 1963 testimony before Senator John McClellan's committee.

Montana suffered a heart attack five months after that testimony. He died March 18, 1964, at the age of 70.

John Montana gravesite

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